As a mom of two young children and a business owner, I know how quickly a phone's camera roll can become a disaster zone. I capture thousands of photos of my kids per year (including an excessive amount of near duplicates), take tons screenshots for future reference, and also use my phone as a tool to create and store photos for business purposes.

But I've made camera roll cleanup a priority by clearing the junk, marking the favorites, and keeping up with my photo projects. I want to share all the best tips and strategies with you so that your photo collection can bring you joy instead of stress!

I help photo-overloaded moms rescue their memories from the camera roll abyss through iPhone photo management tips & family yearbook designs.

I'm Denise

Fun facts!

I grew up in the freezing cold winters of Minnesota, moved to the scorching hot summers of Arizona, and now I'm in the year-round moderate temps of the SF Bay Area.

I was already 10 cm dilated when I arrived at the hospital to deliver my first child

Although I'm in the creative industry, the majority of my friends are engineers or in other STEM fields.

My coffee shop order is typically an iced vanilla latte.

My siblings were 13, 16, and 17 years old when I was born.

My husband and I had a Star Wars themed photo booth at our wedding.

I've been in fantasy leagues for The Great British Bake Off and ABC's The Bachelor

I bet I have the worse vision of anyone you know. Thank goodness for contacts (-15 prescription)!

I love red wine. Cheers! 🍷

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